The CAP1200UV is a 5 Stage Home/Office HEPA Air Purifier for Ducted Systems offering:
- Five-stage particle filter system
- UVGI ozone-free germicidal lamp
- Activated carbon filter
- True HEPA filter
Convert Your Central HVAC System into a Hospital-Grade HEPA Filtration System for Your Entire Home/Office
Allergists, pediatricians, and other healthcare professionals often recommend state-of-the-art HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filtration technology to remove microscopic pathogens, allergens, and irritants from the air in their patient’s homes. Why? First, more than 99% of the particles suspended in indoor air are less than one micron (0.0000004 inches), far too small to be captured by most filters or seen by the naked eye. Second, particles this tiny have been identified by scientists at the U.S. EPA and elsewhere as potentially “lung damaging” because they are small enough to bypass our defense mechanisms and lodge deep in our lungs.
Abatement Technologies® CAP600 Series and CAP1200 Series Central Air Purifiers, with True HEPA filters, are so efficient they can remove at least 99.97% of these microscopic airborne particles (@ 0.3 microns in size), including those that can trigger asthma and other allergic reactions. All CAP600 Series and CAP1200 Whole-House HEPA Air Cleaners feature multiple filtration stages to remove particles, plus an activated carbon filter to remove odors and some VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds). Top of the line models are also equipped with germicidal UV (UVGI) or UV "Plus" lamp technology to irradiate and help control bacteria and mold spores in the air stream or trapped on the HEPA filter.
The CAP1200UV model is equipped with the following:
- Stage One - A 1” pre-filter for capturing larger dirt particles
- Stage Two - A 2” pre-filter for smaller visible particles
- Stage Three - An activated carbon filter for capturing odors
- Stage Four - A 99.97% efficient true HEPA filter H610C-99
- Stage Five - An ozone-free germicidal UV disinfection lamp
Please Allow 2 to 4 weeks ARO for delivery. It typically ships by common carrier - please add your phone number for delivery. We have been successful shipping UPS, but have concerns about damage.)
Annual Filter & UV Lamp Convenience Pack is available - Order .
Order a replacement HEPA Core - H610C-99 every 2 to 3 years for best results.